[Homelab] Setting up a small DNS server for your Homelab

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[Homelab] Setting up a small DNS server for your Homelab

Setting up a small DNS server for your home lab

 Setting up a small DNS server for your Homelab is actually quite simple. With the release of vSphere 7, the VCSA (vCenter Server Appliance) requires a DNS server for setup. While some earlier versions allowed only IP deployments, with the latest versions you can’t set up your environment without a DNS server.

I was setting up a new Homelab environment running everything on my Macbook in VMware Fusion when I stumbled across this change in vSphere 7. So how did I go about it? I decided to set up a small Ubuntu server VM running bind9.

I thought about running this as a Docker container, as the reason for setting up a new vSphere home lab in the first place was to learn more about all the benefits of vSphere with Tanzu that are included in the latest vSphere releases. But since I’m not that familiar with Docker and containers yet, I chose a path I know well to quickly cross that requirement off my list.


Step One:

Download the latest Ubuntu server Image from the official Ubuntu Repo (from https://ubuntu.com/download/server):


Step Two:

Create a custom VM in VMware Fusion (or Workstation if you are on a Windows machine) and attach the downloaded Ubuntu server ISO and follow the wizard:



I chose not to use easy install because it has been ages since I had installed Ubuntu server manually.



I left the default setting at “Legacy BIOS”.



These are the default settings for an Ubuntu server. If your homelab is short on ressources you can decrease the amount of RAM down to 1GB.



After clicking on “Finish” you will be asked what to name the VM. I chose to name mine “homelab-dns”.


Step Three:

Install Ubuntu server

I won’t go into detail about the installation process as it is simple. I pretty much left everything at default settings and only installed openssh server to connect to the server with the terminal app.


Step Four:

Install BIND9 on your Ubuntu Server

I chose BIND9 as DNS server because it’s a pretty widely used DNS server and you can quickly find help for it if you get stuck. To install it, I connected to my Ubuntu server “homelab-dns” and entered the command:

sudo apt-get install bind9

After the installation has completed we need to configure BIND

Step Five:

Configure BIND

The first file we’ll edit is the /etc/bind/named.conf.local

// Forward Zone
zone "virtual.lab" {
 type master;
 file "/etc/bind/zones/virtual.lab.db";
// Reverse Zone
zone "108.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
 type master;
 file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.108.16.172.in-addr.arpa";

This tells BIND where to find the actual lookup files. 

Next up are the the mentioned files from above. We’ll create the directory “zones” and create the files we configured.

mkdir -p /etc/bind/zones

Then we’ll create the first file with your preferred Editor (mine is VIM)

vim /etc/bind/zones/virtual.lab.db

And here we’ll add our Forward lookup entries:

$TTL	86400 ; 24 hours / 1d

; $TTL used for all RRs without explicit TTL value
$ORIGIN virtual.lab.
@ 1D IN SOA dnsserver.virtual.lab. hostmaster.virtual.lab. (
2002022401 ; serial
3H ; refresh
15 ; retry
1w ; expire
3h ; minimum
virtual.lab. IN NS dnsserver.virtual.lab.

dnsserver IN A
vcsa IN A
esxhost1 IN A
esxhost2 IN A

Afterwards we’ll create our reverse lookup zone file:

vim /etc/bind/zones/rev.108.16.172.in-addr.arpa

And here we’ll add our reverse mapping:

@ IN SOA virtual.lab. admin.virtual.lab. (

IN NS dnsserver.virtual.lab.
53 IN PTR virtual.lab
2 IN PTR vcsa
3 IN PTR esxhost1
4 IN PTR esxhost2

Step six: 

restart BIND and check your files

As a final command we’ll need to restart BIND in order for it to use the new configuration:

sudo service bind9 restart

And optionally you can check if your files are properly configured:

named-checkzone virtual.lab /etc/bind/zones/virtual.lab.db
named-checkzone /etc/bind/zones/rev.108.16.172.in-addr.arpa


And that’s it. You have set up a small DNS server for your Homelab. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment. Next up, I’ll be looking at VMware Tanzu and containers, and I’ll be publishing another post where I do the exact same thing with a lightweight Docker container.

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Comments (7)

  • Marc Reply

    Hi Dario,
    I’m really happy I found your article, unfortunately all the pics from BIND config are missing. Any chance u can reupload them? Thanks a lot. Best regards, Marc

    31.01.2022 at 11:02
    • Dario Reply

      Hello Marc,
      Thanks so much for pointing that out! Those are actually “code” text boxes that somehow got a dark font during our last WordPress update. I just fixed the CSS for them so they are visible again.

      31.01.2022 at 11:51
      • Marc Reply

        Hi Dario,

        thank you very much.

        31.01.2022 at 13:08
  • Niall Reply

    I’ve followed this article, and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

    Basically, I want to use this as a split DNS. I’ve tried adding view “local” { … } to named.conf.local, around what you’ve put here, but I cannot get the sites to display internally (on the same network).

    Removing the view-local “if” statement (programmer background) does allow me to view internally, but that stops it working externally, and it doesn’t include ports (one website only has access via a specific port, and no way to configure this).

    I use nginx reverse proxy to handle the external connections and the port issue. I just need something for internal access.

    14.02.2022 at 23:07
    • Niall Reply

      And as per usual, I seem to “fix” it as soon as I ask for help.

      I included the view “if” statement. This time, called “internal”.

      I don’t know how to paste code here to show what I did, but I also included a match-clients { 192.168/16; }; above the zones.
      That seemed to have done the trick.

      Now to figure out that port number issue for that single site/record.

      14.02.2022 at 23:20
      • Dario Reply

        Hi Niall,
        Thanks for the feedback and kudos for figuring it out yourself before I could even read your comment.
        Were you able to resolve the port number issue?


        22.02.2022 at 15:29
  • João Ricardo Reply

    Tnx Dario, nice article.
    For a lab, why you did not choose DnsMasq instead Bind9 ? Isn’t more easy?

    30.06.2023 at 21:05

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