[How-To] Monitor vSphere Supervisor and Guest Clusters with VCF Operations

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[How-To] Monitor vSphere Supervisor and Guest Clusters with VCF Operations

Monitoring vSphere Supervisor Cluster and Kubernetes Guest Cluster with the Kubernetes Management Pack in VCF (Aria) Operations.

The Monitoring is a great alternative to prometheus and grafana. No Installations necessary on the Kubernetes Guest Clusters.


The Goal is to monitor the vSphere Supervisor Cluster and every Kubernetes Guest Cluster, also monitoring newly provisioned Guest Clusters automatically.


  • Aria Operations 8.18.x
  • Kubernetes Management Pack (2.2)
  • vCenter already added in Aria Ops

Gather Required Data

We need the following Data to configure a Account on the Aria Operations Kubernetes Management Pack:

  • Supervisor IP (VIP)
  • certificate-authority-data
  • client-certificate-data
  • client-key-data

Step 1 – SSH Login to Control Plane Nodes

SSH to the vCenter Appliance with the root user, then run (bash shell):

sshpass -p `/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/decryptK8Pwd.py | \
grep PWD | \
awk '{print $2}'` ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@`/usr/lib/vmware-wcp/decryptK8Pwd.py | \
grep IP | \
awk '{print $2}'`
If the bash shell is not enabled, run:
shell.set --enabled=true

View the kubeconfig file on one of the CP Nodes an gather the following data:

  • certificate-authority-data
  • client-certificate-data
  • client-key-data
cat ~/.kube/config

Aria Operations

Add the Kubernetes Management Pack (.pak) File

Administration > Integrations > Repository


Add the Supervisor Cluster

Administration > Integrations > Add Cloud Account > Kubernetes

  • Control Plane URL: Supervisor VIP
  • Kubelet
  • Advanced Settings: Autodiscover TGK Guest Cluster (vCenter needs to be added to Aria Ops already)




If Autodiscovery is enabled, your Kubernetes Guest Clusters will show up after a few minutes.



The Kubernetes Management Pack includes lots of useful dashboards to explore.



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