[PowerCLI] Testing your networks

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[PowerCLI] Testing your networks

If you are knee-deep in a troubleshooting session with a customer you want to be able to have some tools ready that do some tests for you. One of the things that in my case has happened quite a lot was that some network were connected but couldn’t communicate outside of the host. So in a HPE Blade Enclosure infrastructure this was most likely a forgotten VLAN tag in the server profiles.

In order to quickly eliminate this problem I have worked on a script that helps you test every network in your environment.

The original script is from https://virtualdatacave.com and has initially only been focused on testing distributed Switches. Someone in the VMware Code community has asked for this script to be enhanced so it would support standard switches as well. I thought: Challenge accepted.

Porting the script to be able to test standard switches was quite challenging. Because Standard-switches belong to the host a lot of the script’s logic had to be changed to be able to test the networks the same way it works for distributed switches.


  • Windows VM with UAC disabled running in the environment you want to test
  • CSV file with the information about the networks to test

CSV: Network map

The csv you provide should look something like this:

Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 10.28.11

Make sure it really is “comma separated” because excel tends to save csv with semicolons instead of commas.

PortGroup: The name of the Portgroup to test

SourceIP: This is the ip you will assign your test-vm in that portGroup (make sure it’s available, no one wants duplicate IPs)

GatewayIP: Gateway of the network to test

SubnetMask: Subnet mask of the network to test

TestIP: which IP should we try to ping while doing a test in that portgroup? You can, of course always use the same ip if all your networks are routed, or like in the example to a subnet internal test

Update: this script is now published at GitHub.

The Script

	[int]$timesToPing = 1,
	[int]$pingReplyCountThreshold = 1,


# Configure internal variables
$trustVMInvokeable = $false #this is to speed development only.  Set to false.
$testResults = @()
$testPortGroupName = "VirtualFrog"
$data = import-csv $csvFile
$cluster = get-cluster $clusterName
$vm = get-vm $vmName

if ($isStandard -eq $false) {
    $dvs = get-vdswitch $dvsName
    $originalVMPortGroup = ($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0].networkname
	if ($originalVMPortGroup -eq "") {
		$originalVMPortGroup = ($vm | get-virtualswitch -name $dvsName |get-virtualportgroup)[0]
		write-host -Foregroundcolor:red "Adding a fantasy Name to $originalVMPortGroup"
} else {
    $originalVMPortGroup = ($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0].networkname
    $temporaryVar = ($vm |get-networkadapter)[0].NetworkName
	if ($originalVMPortGroup -eq "") {
		$originalVMPortGroup = ($vm |get-vmhost |get-virtualswitch -name $dvsName |get-virtualportgroup -Standard:$true)[0]
		write-host -Foregroundcolor:red "Adding a fantasy Name to $originalVMPortGroup"
#We'll use this later to reset the VM back to its original network location if it's empty for some reason wel'll populate it with the first portgroup

#Test if Invoke-VMScript works
if(-not $trustVMInvokeable) {
	if (-not (Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText "echo test" -VM $vm -GuestCredential $creds).ScriptOutput -eq "test") {
		write-output "Unable to run scripts on test VM guest OS!"
		return 1

#Define Test Functions
function TestPing($ip, $count, $mtuTest) {
	if($mtuTest) {
		$count = 4 #Less pings for MTU test
		$pingReplyCountThreshold = 3 #Require 3 responses for success on MTU test.  Note this scope is local to function and will not impact variable for future run.
		$script = "ping -f -l 8972 -n $count $ip"
	} else {
		$script =  "ping -n $count $ip"

	write-host "Script to run: $script"
	$result = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vm -GuestCredential $creds

	#parse the output for the "received packets" number
	$rxcount = (( $result.ScriptOutput | ? { $_.indexof("Packets") -gt -1 } ).Split(',') | ? { $_.indexof("Received") -gt -1 }).split('=')[1].trim()

	#if we received enough ping replies, consider this a success
	$success = ([int]$rxcount -gt $pingReplyCountThreshold) 

	#however there is one condition where this will be a false positive... gateway reachable but destination not responding
	if ( $result.ScriptOutput | ? { $_.indexof("host unreach") -gt -1 } ) {
		$success = $false
		$rxcount = 0;

	write-host "Full results of ping test..."
	write-host $result.ScriptOutput

	return @($success, $count, $rxcount);

function SetGuestIP($ip, $subnet, $gw) {
  $script = @"
	`$iface = (gwmi win32_networkadapter -filter "netconnectionstatus = 2" | select -First 1).interfaceindex
	netsh interface ip set address name=`$iface static $ip $subnet $gw
	netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface `$iface mtu=9000 store=active
  write-host "Script to run: " + $script
  return (Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script -VM $vm -GuestCredential $creds)

# Per Port Group Tests  (Test each port group)

$vmhost = $vm.vmhost
if ($isStandard -eq $false)
	foreach($item in $data) {
		if($testPortGroup = $dvs | get-vdportgroup -name $item.PortGroup) {
			($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $testPortGroup -confirm:$false
			if( SetGuestIP $item.SourceIP $item.SubnetMask $item.GatewayIP ) {
				echo ("Set Guest IP to " + $item.SourceIP)

				#Run normal ping test
				$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $false
				#Add to results
				$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
				$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
				$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
				$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
				$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
				$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
				$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
				$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
				$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
				$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
				$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

				$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

				if($false) {
					#Run jumbo frames test
					$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $true
					#Add to results
					$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
					$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
					$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
					$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
					$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
					$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
					$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
					$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
					$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
					$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
					$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

					$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

			} else {
				$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
				$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
				$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
				$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
				$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.GatewayIP
				$thisTest["Result"] = "false - error setting guest IP"
				$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
		} else {
			$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
			$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $item.PortGroup
			$thisTest["Result"] = "false - could not find port group"
			$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
else {
    #This is for a Standard Switch
	foreach($item in $data) {
		$dvs = $vm |get-vmhost | get-virtualswitch -name $dvsName
		if($testPortGroup = $dvs | get-virtualportgroup -name $item.PortGroup) {
			($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $testPortGroup -confirm:$false
			if( SetGuestIP $item.SourceIP $item.SubnetMask $item.GatewayIP ) {
				echo ("Set Guest IP to " + $item.SourceIP)

				#Run normal ping test
				$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $false
				#Add to results
				$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
				$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
				$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
				$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
				$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
				$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
				$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
				$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
				$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
				$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
				$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

				$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

				if($false) {
					#Run jumbo frames test
					$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $true
					#Add to results
					$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
					$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
					$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
					$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
					$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
					$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
					$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
					$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
					$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
					$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
					$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

					$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

			} else {
				$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
				$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
				$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
				$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
				$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.GatewayIP
				$thisTest["Result"] = "false - error setting guest IP"
				$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
		} else {
			$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
			$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $item.PortGroup
			$thisTest["Result"] = "false - could not find port group"
			$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

# Per Host Tests (Test Each Link for Each VLAN ID on each host)
$testPortGroup = $null

if ($isStandard -eq $false)

	($testPortGroup = new-vdportgroup $dvs -Name $testPortGroupName -ErrorAction silentlyContinue) -or ($testPortGroup = $dvs | get-vdportgroup -Name $testPortGroupName)
	($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $testPortGroup -confirm:$false

	$cluster | get-vmhost | ? {$_.ConnectionState -match "connected" } | foreach {
		$vmhost = $_
		#Migrate VM to new host
		if(Move-VM -VM $vm -Destination $vmhost) {

			foreach($item in $data) {
				#Configure test port group VLAN ID for this particular VLAN test, or clear VLAN ID if none exists
				$myVlanId = $null
				$myVlanId = (get-vdportgroup -name $item.PortGroup).VlanConfiguration.Vlanid
				if($myVlanId) {
					$testPortGroup = $testPortGroup | Set-VDVlanConfiguration -Vlanid $myVlanId
				} else {
					$testPortGroup = $testPortGroup | Set-VDVlanConfiguration -DisableVlan

				if( SetGuestIP $item.SourceIP $item.SubnetMask $item.GatewayIP ) {
					echo ("Set Guest IP to " + $item.SourceIP)

					#Run test on each uplink individually
					$uplinkset = ( ($testPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy).ActiveUplinkPort + ($testPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy).StandbyUplinkPort ) | sort
					foreach($thisUplink in $uplinkset) {
						#Disable all uplinks from the test portgroup
						$testPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy | Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy -UnusedUplinkPort $uplinkset
						#Enable  only this uplink for the test portgroup
						$testPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy | Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy -ActiveUplinkPort $thisUplink

						#Run normal ping test
						$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $false
						#Add to results
						$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
						$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
						$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
						$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
						$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
						$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
						$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
						$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
						$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
						$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
						$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

						$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

						if($false) {
							#Run jumbo frames test
							$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $true
							#Add to results
							$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
							$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
							$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
							$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
							$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
							$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
							$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
							$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
							$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
							$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
							$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

							$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

					$testPortGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy | Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy -ActiveUplinkPort ($uplinkset | sort)

				} else {
					$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
					$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
					$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanconfiguration.vlanid
					$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
					$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.GatewayIP
					$thisTest["Result"] = "false - error setting guest IP"
					$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
		} else {
			$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
			$thisTest["Result"] = "false - unable to vMotion VM to this host"
			$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
else {
    #This is for a standard Switch
    $vmhost = $null

    #adding the testPortGroup on all hosts in the cluster
    $cluster | get-vmhost | ? {$_.ConnectionState -match "connected" } | sort | foreach {
		$dvs = get-virtualswitch -Name $dvsName -VMhost $_
    	$dvs | new-virtualportgroup -Name $testPortGroupName -ErrorAction silentlyContinue

    $vmhost = $null
	$cluster | get-vmhost | ? {$_.ConnectionState -match "connected" } | sort | foreach {
		$vmhost = $_
		$dvs = get-virtualswitch -Name $dvsName -VMhost $vmhost
		$testPortGroup = $dvs |get-virtualportgroup -Name $testPortGroupName -VMhost $vmhost -ErrorAction silentlyContinue

		#Migrate VM to new host
		if(Move-VM -VM $vm -Destination $vmhost) {
				write-host -Foregroundcolor:red "Sleeping 5 seconds..."
				start-sleep -seconds 5
				if (($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup ($dvs |get-virtualportgroup -Name $testPortGroupName -VMhost $vmhost) -confirm:$false -ErrorAction stop)
					write-host -Foregroundcolor:green "Adapter Change successful"
				}else {
				    write-host -Foregroundcolor:red "Cannot change adapter!"
				    #$esxihost = $vm |get-vmhost
				    #$newPortgroup = $esxihost | get-virtualportgroup -Name testPortGroupName -ErrorAction silentlyContinue
				    #if (($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup ($newPortgroup) -confirm:$false -ErrorAction stop) {
				    #    write-host -Foregroundcolor:green "Adapter Change successful (2nd attempt)"
				    #} else {
				    #    write-host -Foregroundcolor:red "Cannot change Adapter even on 2nd attempt. Exiting script"
				    #    exit 1

			foreach($item in $data) {
				#Configure test port group VLAN ID for this particular VLAN test, or clear VLAN ID if none exists
				$myVlanId = $null
				$myVlanId = [int32](get-virtualportgroup -VMhost $vmhost -Standard:$true -name $item.PortGroup).Vlanid
				if($myVlanId) {
					$testPortGroup = $testPortGroup | Set-VirtualPortGroup -Vlanid $myVlanId
				} else {
					$testPortGroup = $testPortGroup | Set-VirtualPortGroup -VlanId 0

				if( SetGuestIP $item.SourceIP $item.SubnetMask $item.GatewayIP ) {
					echo ("Set Guest IP to " + $item.SourceIP)

					#Run test on each uplink individually
					$uplinkset = ( ($testPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy).ActiveNic + ($testPortGroup |Get-NicTeamingPolicy).StandbyNic ) |sort
					foreach($thisUplink in $uplinkset) {
						#Disable all uplinks from the test portgroup
						$testPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy | Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicUnused $uplinkset
						#Enable  only this uplink for the test portgroup
						$testPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy | Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicActive $thisUplink

						#Run normal ping test
						$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $false
						#Add to results
						$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
						$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
						$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
						$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
						$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
						$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
						$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
						$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
						$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
						$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
						$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

						$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

						if($false) {
							#Run jumbo frames test
							$pingTestResult = TestPing $item.TestIP $timesToPing $true
							#Add to results
							$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
							$thisTest["Host"] = $vmhost.name
							$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
							$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
							$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
							$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.TestIP
							$thisTest["Result"] = $pingTestResult[0].tostring()
							$thisTest["TxCount"] = $pingTestResult[1].tostring()
							$thisTest["RxCount"] = $pingTestResult[2].tostring()
							$thisTest["JumboFramesTest"] = ""
							$thisTest["Uplink"] = $thisUplink

							$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

					$testPortGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy | Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicActive ($uplinkset | sort)

				} else {
					$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
					$thisTest["PortGroupName"] = $testPortGroup.name
					$thisTest["VlanID"] = $testPortGroup.vlanid
					$thisTest["SourceIP"] = $item.SourceIP
					$thisTest["DestinationIP"] = $item.GatewayIP
					$thisTest["Result"] = "false - error setting guest IP"
					$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest
		} else {
			$thisTest = [ordered]@{"VM" = $vm.name; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s); "Host" = $vmhost.name;}
			$thisTest["Result"] = "false - unable to vMotion VM to this host"
			$testResults += new-object -typename psobject -Property $thisTest

#Clean up
if ($isStandard -eq $false)
	($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup (get-vdportgroup $originalVMPortGroup) -confirm:$false
	Remove-VDPortGroup -VDPortGroup $testPortGroup -confirm:$false

} else {
	$tempvm = get-vm $vmName
	$temphost = $tempvm |get-VMhost
	$portGroupToRevertTo = $temphost |get-virtualportgroup -name $temporaryVar -Standard:$true
    ($vm | get-Networkadapter)[0] | Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $portGroupToRevertTo -confirm:$false
    write-host -Foregroundcolor:green "Waiting 5 seconds for $vm to revert back to $temporaryVar"
    start-sleep -seconds 5
    $cluster | get-vmhost | ? {$_.ConnectionState -match "connected" } | foreach {
		$vmhost = $_
		$dvs = $vmhost | get-virtualswitch -Name $dvsName
		$testPortGroup = $dvs | get-virtualportgroup -name $testPortGroupName -Standard:$true -VMhost $vmhost
		remove-virtualportgroup -virtualportgroup $testPortGroup -confirm:$false

#Future Test Ideas
#Query driver/firmware for each host's network adapters ?

#Show Results
$testResults | ft
$testResults | Export-CSV -notypeinformation $resultFile


You can run the script without any parameters if you wish, you will be prompted for each of them.

  • clusterName : Name of the cluster in which you want to test your networks
  • dvsName : Name of the switch (distributed or standard) you want to test
  • isStandard: $true or $false depending on wether your switch is standard ($true) or distributed ($false)
  • creds : Prompts for the credentials with which you can run scripts on your test-vm (not vCenter credentials)
  • vmName : Name of the windows machine that will be used for testing the networks
  • csvFile : path to the map.csv as shown in the requirements
  • resultFile : path to where you want the resulting csv to be saved

If you’re like me you will pass all arguments when running the script (except maybe creds):

./virtualFrogNetworkTester.ps1 -clusterName VirtualFrog1 -dvsName vSwitch1 -isStandard:$true -vmName networktestingFrogVM -csvFile c:\temp\map.csv -resultFile c:\temp\virtualFrogRocks.csv


The resulting CSV File will look something like that:

Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 14.43.48

What does that tell you? Well the script does two tests:

  1. It assigns the test-vm to each network from your map.csv, assigns the ip and pings the target
  2. Here it goes through all hosts in the cluster, creates a temporary network, assigns the tags from your testnetworks and then goes through the uplinks (setting both unused, then one active, both unused, the other one active).

So after you’ve run this test you can tell if all of your uplinks have connectivity to all the assigned networks and you can be sure that VMs are able to communicate inside those networks.

Known Issues

This is something I couldn’t figure out. If your VM is assigned to a network with a name like: “vlan-7-” the script will not be able to reassign this network in the cleaning up part. It sees the value as multiple values and will not set the networkadapter to that network. So just a hint: Do not use dots (.) in your network names!

This probably won’t be a problem, but I’ve only tested this in a vSphere 6.0 U3b Environment with PowerCLI 6.5.1. If you have issues with the script, please let me know over twitter or as a comment.

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Comments (7)

  • Ethan Reply

    Hi ,here is Ethan from China, thank you for you contribution with this script and today I have tested it I found a little problem ,when I test in vss it work but if I tested it with vDS I got error as blow:


    Sleeping 5 seconds…
    Adapter Change successful
    get-virtualportgroup : 4/26/2018 1:35:35 AM Get-VirtualPortGroup VirtualPortGroup with name ‘vlan110’ was not found using the specified filter(s).
    At C:\Network_Test_VM\test-host-networking_vss.ps1:399 char:37
    + … d = [int32](get-virtualportgroup -VMhost $vmhost -Standard:$true -nam …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-VirtualPortGroup], VimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_OutputHelper_WriteNotFoundError,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.Host.GetVirtualPortGroup

    Set-VirtualPortGroup : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match
    any of the parameters that take pipeline input.
    At C:\Network_Test_VM\test-host-networking_vss.ps1:403 char:55
    + … $testPortGroup = $testPortGroup | Set-VirtualPortGroup -VlanId 0
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (VirtualFrog:PSObject) [Set-VirtualPortGroup], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InputObjectNotBound,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.SetVirtualPortGroup

    Script to run: + $iface = (gwmi win32_networkadapter -filter “netconnectionstatus = 2” | select -First 1).interfaceindex
    netsh interface ip set address name=$iface static
    netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface $iface mtu=9000 store=active
    Set Guest IP to
    Set-NicTeamingPolicy : Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘MakeNicActive’. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
    At C:\Network_Test_VM\test-host-networking_vss.ps1:455 char:97
    + … amingPolicy | Set-NicTeamingPolicy -MakeNicActive ($uplinkset | sort)
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Set-NicTeamingPolicy], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.Host.SetNicTeamingPolicy

    get-virtualportgroup : 4/26/2018 1:35:41 AM Get-VirtualPortGroup VirtualPortGroup with name ‘vlan111’ was not found using the specified filter(s).
    At C:\Network_Test_VM\test-host-networking_vss.ps1:399 char:37
    + … d = [int32](get-virtualportgroup -VMhost $vmhost -Standard:$true -nam …
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-VirtualPortGroup], VimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Core_OutputHelper_WriteNotFoundError,VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.Host.GetVirtualPortGroup

    26.04.2018 at 10:40
    • virtualfrog Reply

      Hi Ethan,
      Could you tell me how exactly you started the script? It seems like you have not provided the “-isstandard $false” parameter when running the script.
      Let me know how you called the script an I can try to replicate your results.

      26.04.2018 at 11:10
  • Ethan Reply

    Hi Jeff:
    I know what make this problem ,I was miss the $ when I input parameter “-isstandard $false” and now it work for me ,thanks.

    26.04.2018 at 11:53
    • virtualfrog Reply

      Yes I figured it was something like this. The default value is $true, so when you missed the “$” the script assumed it was true and therefore went into the VSS part of the script.

      26.04.2018 at 11:55
  • JB Reply

    Jeff, what if I want to just test on one ESX host at a time. Basically, i don’t want it to try every host in the cluster.

    13.03.2019 at 18:28
  • jonb157 Reply

    Follow-up question to your script. If something errors out, like it can’t vmotion to the next host, etc. will it still generate the output results for the successful tests? I’m asking because there are a couple testing scenarios where I don’t want to test on every host in the cluster and if the relevant port group or standard switch uplinks are not assigned, it can just error out but I will have the test results for the host I do care about.

    13.03.2019 at 19:15
    • virtualfrog Reply

      Hi Jon,
      I actually haven’t tested a scenario where the vMotion of the VM would fail. I actually just implemented the logic for the standard Switch in this script. The orginal idea and logic were created by someone else (Link in the article) .
      Looking at the code: the script will loop through the hosts in the cluster and if the “Move-VM” cmdlet does not return true (i.e.: vMotion fails) it will write that to the console and try the next host and do that over and over again until all hosts in the cluster have been tried. So I think it will work, but depending on your cluster size it will take forever.

      I have it on my list to rewrite this script and bundle it with a tiny linux appliance for the testing (turned out having a windows VM is not always a given, and GPOs can give you headaches as well with this script..). I will add the option to specify a host instead a cluster so you will not have to wait for the failed vmotion in each host of your cluster when you only care about one host. I will keep you posted when the new scriptbundle is ready.

      14.03.2019 at 10:17

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