[vExpert] 2019: I’m in!

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[vExpert] 2019: I’m in!

Like many other I have just received the good news that I made the cut to be a vExpert 2019. What an honor to be selected once more to be a member of those dedicated to share their knowledge with the community.

After I made it into the vExpert program for the first time last year this blog has seen a surge of new visitors which is very motivating to keep sharing my knowledge. My main passion in the last year has been to share some of the useful PowerCLI scripts that I have written for my customers.

By sharing my scripts publicly I want to make sure they do exactly what they are supposed to so I added lots of checks and started implementing the “try..catch..finally” methodology a lot in my recent scripts. Not only did this increase my knowledge in PowerCLI scripting but I think it benefits those that have a use case to use my scripts. I will keep sharing the good stuff so stay tuned for a lot more useful things on this blog and my github page.

My next big project will be to learn about multicloud orchestration and all the automation around this technology. I’m also looking forward to look into container, kubernetes and how to help customers adopting DevOps methodology with the help of those technologies.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it is motivating to have a steady increase in average visits to this site. So my making the cut to the vExpert program is also thanks to you!


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